On behalf of the FBMS and FBCS Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, you are welcome to the official website of Pan African Journal of Life science (PAJOLS), a publication of FBMS. We look forward to receiving your outstanding research work that will be submitted and published in our journal.
PAJOLS is established to promote and publish outstanding research work in all areas of Life Sciences and related fields. In view of the rapidly advancing frontiers of science and technology, and the increasing importance of international collaboration, PAJOLS is set to play a leading role in providing a platform for the top-level international exchange.
The PAJOLS online platform allows prompt and easy submission and peer-review of the submitted manuscripts in line with the principles of Open Access publishing. We are confident that our publications would provide ample opportunities for new and experienced researchers to share their findings.
A publication of Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences and Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso

Aim & Scope
Published quarterly, PAJOL would provide readers with a wide array of titles that would include Original scientific papers addressing the current issues in life sciences and Review articles (thought-provoking, short and focused reviews) directed at topics of general interest and importance, written by experts in the field. Letter to the Editor would allow cconstructive criticisms and discussions of published papers. Letters of relevance and interest to the community will be published at the discretion of the editorial board. Editorials would facilitate an ongoing dialogue on key issues. PAJOLS will also publish papers on practical programmed, short notes and reports of meetings, conference proceedings and professional announcements. The journal is committed to prompt review process with timely publication of all accepted papers.
Current Issue can be assess by clicking here
Advantages of publishing in PAJOLS
- Easy-to-use article submission system
- All submissions are handled by dedicated Editors
- High editorial standards, ensuring all manuscripts undergo an in-depth peer review process
- All published articles have Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number
- Greater impact and visibility of your research through open access
- Retention of all ownership and copyright of your published research

Open Access

Publication Ethics

Creative Commons provides option to choose which rights one want to control and want to grant to others with respect to ones publication. They do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. The publications here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.